Across your FMP planning should be identified on a frequent basis. In order to attain a pass, once a week would be sufficient, providing this was done with a good level of detail. If you're clever you would tie in your planning with a weekly Gibbs reflection, as section 6 of the Gibbs reflective process prompts you to "Action plan".
Other opportunities to evidence planning would be prior to any shoots you conduct.
Things you need to write about and evidence in your planning should include the following...
(1). What you're going to do in the short term?
(2). What you're going to do this week?
(3). When you're doing it (Dates and times).
(4). What equipment you're going to use and why?
(5). Who your assistant/model/subject is going to be?
(6). What the objective of the shoot is... Test/trial/developmental shoot/Model test/Light test etc.
(7). What resources you might have to plan for/hire/buy?
(8). What quality light you're hoping for and why?
(9). What might go wrong and what contingencies will you have in place?
(10). How do you expect this to develop your project - what improvements are you expecting to happen as a result of this plan; What will you learn that is new?
(11). When will you put the images in your book/blog and write up your reflection (Gibbs)?
Stretch and Challenge (Merits and Distinction) work.
Needless to say the more organised this work is and the more depth and analysis applied at this stage e.g. writing about what might happen and if? Where you write about the alternatives and explore the variables in the event of things not going to plan and identify solutions to the problems prior to them happening, the more likely you're going to be working at a higher level. Maybe compile a 'Shoot checklist' that you use and re-use each time you shoot?