Monday, 12 January 2015

Unit 13 - 7.1 Explore strategies to present a personal self-directed A&D project.

Unit 13 - 7.1 Explore strategies to present a personal self-directed A&D project.

This is relatively easy, you simply have to explore and demonstrate that you’ve investigated and recorded a range of different options for presenting your work and then opted for the appropriate method.
During the course you would have been to galleries and looked at the way the work is mounted and displayed, look back at your notes or go again and get a sense of how photography is presented in gallery scenarios, as you will probably need to present some or all of your final work in an end of year exhibition.

Demonstrate that you’ve looked in a range of commercial options for having your digital files printed. Make sure you look at.

The Print Space (London)

Snappy Snaps

Alex Chater (In-house printing)

2 x on-line options

 In your work include leaflets brochures, screen grabs, web pages and perhaps samples?

 Also look at, explore and describe options for on-line portfolios, if you have an on-line presence with your images on it, again produce screen-grabs and include your web address. Look at a number of options for on-line portfolios and describe their strengths and weaknesses.

Also look at, explore and describe digital Photo-books and seriously consider having a digital photo-book as part of your final presentation, especially if you’re looking to attain a distinction.

Also look at, explore and describe conventional portfolio methods, boxes, cases, folders etc.