Monday, 12 January 2015

Unit 13 - 1.2 Use analysis and evaluation to clarify and develop a personal self directed A&D project proposal.

Unit 13 - 1.2   Use analysis and evaluation to clarify and develop a personal self directed A&D project proposal.

This is the use of the Gibbs reflective practice model in conjunction with your research. The advice is to do the initial main part of your research within a matter of two weeks as an absolute maximum. Once you’ve completed all the component parts of the research stage you then need to reflect on it and in doing so, clarify what it is that you’ve learned from the research and where it now leads you with regards to your practical work.

Focus on section three of the Gibbs process… ‘Analysis’ when you write this work up to reinforce evidence and bolster your abilities and skills when analysing your research processes and methods…

·         What have you learned from your research?

·         Why were the research methods and resources you used effective?

·         How will your work reflect your research – what is it that you’re going to take from it?

·         Has the research helped you develop your idea further – if so how?

·         Has your research process improved – if so how and why?



Research Checklist…


1.       Have you a starting page with your early/initial idea explaining and saying you’ll now research and what you’ll use as your research tools, describing in terms of whether they are primary and secondary.

2.       Have you printed off a series of images relating to the photographer/work you’re inspired by, are these full colour and high quality?

3.       Have you responded to these initially with out referring to the written research?

4.       Have you sourced a minimum of two high quality articles/interviews from trusted sources?

5.       Have you printed these off and put them at the back of your folder for reference?

6.       Have you referenced these and the source of your images in your bibliography?

7.       Have you written up the summary of the two or more articles/interviews, analysing the content, discussing the visual language attributes of the work using the 13 point prompt sheet. Have you checked and insured that it is analytical rather than simply descriptive. It must be analytical; ask the what if question? Compare and contrast the opinions and views of the two reviews/interviews. Question the content; do not take it at face value. Offer different perspectives and arguments on the same theme – backed up with quotes. Cross reference and discuss your initial view of the work with the now informed view of the work.

8.       Have you used quotes in the written summary of your research – are these clearly high-lighted by italics, indent or speech marks?

9.       Have you indicated the sources of the quotes (Harvard Referencing)?

10.   Have you then reflected and evaluate your research process using the Gibbs method?

11.   *Have you then written up an action plan at the end of the Gibbs?


*The action plan can be the basis of your proposal.