Unit 3 - 1:2 Apply knowledge of critical perspectives to the analysis of a range of art and design activities.
This simply means that you need to show that you are aware that you must be critical of your own work and processes and that you go through a process of analysis when making decisions about the quality and validity of your work.
How have you applied the knowledge that you've learned and have you done so in a manner that is coherent. This is usually evidenced through making connections with your research - explaining how you've used the research to influence and construct your own practical work. What aspects of your research have you 'Borrowed' that have been carried through into your practical work.
How have you applied the knowledge that you've learned and have you done so in a manner that is coherent. This is usually evidenced through making connections with your research - explaining how you've used the research to influence and construct your own practical work. What aspects of your research have you 'Borrowed' that have been carried through into your practical work.