Monday, 12 January 2015

Unit 8 - 2.2 Interpret research activity to develop ideas and creative proposals

Unit 8 - 2.2   Interpret research activity to develop ideas and creative proposals.

This is where you discuss in-depth a minimum of two bodies of work/photographers approaches in conjunction with your project.

You should have investigated loads of research at a superficial level between week 1 and 4 to generate ideas prior to writing up your proposal. You then choose the 2 most relevant of those you've previously looked at that will influence your work the most, to now focus on and research properly.

1. In the first week you need to select an article from a Journal as part of the briefs requirements, this should be your starting point. Leading up to Easter you should then research further using the conventions and approaches that have been taught over the last few months. The research at this point is more about collecting images and forming a bibliography. The images that you find and use at this stage need to be accompanied by simple explanations and basic information and why you feel they connect to your work in some way, what you find inspirational about them. Look to identify 10 - 15 using this approach.

2. Over Easter you should ascertain which of the sets of images and articles you've found so far, will now become the main influence on your work. You need to select two sets of images/photographers. These will be used for your in-depth research.